Healing Thru Hypnotherapy
Laurie Morris Certified Hypnotherapist
Registered with the State of Colorado
Member of the National Hypnotists Guild
Helping you heal; body, mind and soul
Sessions by appointment: Monday Thru Saturday
80 Garden Center Bldg A Suite 350
Broomfield, Colorado 80020
Call or Text 303-657-1793
After spending 30 years in the Medical field, I decided to turn a somewhat different direction and explore Hypnotherapy. I studied at SBHTC (Sylvia Browne Hypnosis Training Center) in 2007. I chose their program because they had the best curriculum and the strictest requirements for obtaining your license as a Hypnotherapist. I completed my education in 2008, and received my certification as a Hypnotherapist. Then, after more education with the State of Colorado, I received my license from the State of Colorado as a registered Psychotherapist.
There is more than what we see in life. Our minds hold a treasure trove of information for us, and about us. Sometimes you have the need to unlock the information your mind has stored to help you get through a situation or crisis. Sometimes you need to release the heavy negativity of past or current trauma to move forward. Sometimes, memories from the current or past life hold the key. Sometimes, we just need to learn to decompress, and release the negativity within us to allow for a brighter and more blissful existence. Unlocking these keys help us with all sorts of issues, i.e. Stress, Anxiety, Trauma release, Behavior Modification (overeating, smoking, drinking, etc.), PTSD, Grief, Phobias, Pains and Fears, and so much more.
Everything in the Universe is made up of positive and negative energy. This is a scientific fact. So, while we know that planets, stars, trees, yourself, animals, etc. are made up of energy, think of this: Words, thoughts, emotions and deeds, are also made up of energy. Pain is a negative energy. Joy is a positive energy. An angry thought is a negative energy. Laughter is a positive energy. Acknowledging positive and negative energy in your life and learning how to control the negative, and harness the positive, is a power you have within yourself, and I can help you tap into, and utilize, that power.
Whether it's conquering a negative habit, i.e., overeating, smoking etc., or harnessing the power within yourself to control and manage anxiety, stress or pain, finding clarity within your life and yourself, reconnecting with a loved one or dealing with end of life transition for yourself or a loved one, I can help.
You've heard the expression, "Mind Over Matter". I've found it to be true. You really can use the power of your mind, and the energy that is all around you, to achieve and accomplish any and all goals that are proper and right for you.
We've been brought up with belief systems that seem to hold us back, instead of propelling us forward on our journeys in this lifetime. You can't do this. You can't do that. We've been trained not to look past the end of our noses for answers to the questions in life. There are always two sides to every story, yet we've been trained to see only one. Let's look deep within to help you move forward into your present and future, and most importantly out of your past. From this step forward, your present and future are bright and free from the negativity of the past.